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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lynda Microsoft Visio 2007 Video Training

Table of contents
Introduction Welcome 0:33 0.8 MB
1. Getting Started with Visio
Starting Visio and exploring the user interface 8:27 7.8 MB
Browsing sample drawings 5:40 8.5 MB
The Task pane 3:33 4.1 MB
Manipulating toolbars and menus 9:46 10.3 MB
Opening and viewing Visio documents 9:49 16.5 MB
Searching for files 5:26 8 MB
Saving Visio documents 6:26 9 MB
Creating new drawings 6:36 10.3 MB
Using themes 4:38 6.9 MB
2. Working with Stencils
Using the Stencil toolbar 4:13 7 MB
Creating a new stencil 4:07 7.2 MB
Opening a stencil 2:21 4.3 MB
Editing and saving a stencil 3:14 5.6 MB
Closing a stencil 1:40 3 MB
3. Working with Shapes
Adding and editing shapes on the drawing page 5:48 10.3 MB
Adding text to a shape 3:37 6.9 MB
Merging shapes to create new shapes 5:42 10.6 MB
Ordering shapes 3:37 6.1 MB
Grouping and ungrouping shapes 3:01 5.3 MB
Aligning and distributing shapes 4:44 8.1 MB
Laying out shapes and drawings 4:41 6.8 MB
Formatting shapes 9:03 14.3 MB
Working with shape data 5:46 10.8 MB
4. Working with Connectors
Using AutoConnect 4:48 6.6 MB
Using the Connector Tool button 3:53 5.3 MB
Adding connectors from a stencil 3:13 5 MB
Adding text to a connector 1:41 2.6 MB
Deleting a connector from the drawing page 1:21 2 MB
Viewing and hiding connection points 4:34 7.8 MB
Changing connector options 6:22 9.2 MB
5. Formatting Text
Adding and formatting text 7:40 15 MB
Changing paragraph settings 7:24 14.4 MB
Adding a text background 3:53 6.6 MB
Adding and editing bulleted lists 6:26 11.4 MB
Creating tables 4:38 8.8 MB
Creating headers and footers 3:57 7.2 MB
6. Using Snap and Glue
Viewing active snap and glue elements 2:42 3.8 MB
Snapping and gluing to items 4:33 7.8 MB
7. Using Layers
Assigning a shape to a layer 4:23 7.3 MB
Creating a new layer 2:19 4.3 MB
Changing layer properties 9:30 15.5 MB
8. Inserting Pictures
Displaying the Clip Art task pane and searching for clip art 3:19 4.8 MB
Inserting clip art 1:53 3.2 MB
Inserting a picture from a file 2:06 3.4 MB
Using the clip organizer 2:59 4.9 MB
9. Managing Pages
Inserting a new page 4:11 6.6 MB
Creating and assigning a background page 6:19 11.3 MB
Renaming, reordering, and deleting pages 3:24 4.9 MB
10. Using the Page View Tools
Showing and hiding page breaks 3:35 5.5 MB
Using the Pan & Zoom window 3:45 7.4 MB
Using the Size & Position window 4:04 6.6 MB
Using the Drawing Explorer window 3:55 6.9 MB
Merging anchored windows 6:18 11.7 MB
Setting a drawing scale 4:59 9.4 MB
11. Editing Pages
Copying, cutting, and pasting Items 3:46 6.7 MB
Copying a drawing page 2:31 4.7 MB
Using Find and Replace 5:54 10.3 MB
Using Undo and Redo 3:22 5.7 MB
Checking spelling 5:16 8.8 MB
12. Sending Drawings
Emailing a drawing to a mail recipient 2:46 4.4 MB
Emailing a drawing to a routing recipient 4:23 7.9 MB
13. Printing
Setting paper size and orientation 4:07 7.2 MB
Using Print Zoom 3:18 6.2 MB
Using Print Preview 4:21 7.4 MB
Printing a drawing 4:48 8.2 MB
14. General Diagrams
Creating a basic diagram 6:04 9.9 MB
Creating a block diagram 5:13 8.2 MB
Creating a block diagram with perspective 4:43 7.7 MB
15. Business Diagrams
Creating an organizational chart 12:13 22.6 MB
Creating a pie chart 8:25 14.1 MB
Creating a brainstorming diagram 7:06 12.5 MB
Creating a pivot diagram 8:40 13 MB
16. Flowcharts
Creating a basic flowchart 8:11 14.4 MB
Creating a workflow diagram 7:25 13.5 MB
Creating a cross-functional flowchart 10:59 20.9 MB
17. Maps and Floor Plans
Creating a directional map 10:22 19.3 MB
Creating a 3D directional map 10:45 19 MB
Creating a floor plan 11:11 21.1 MB
Creating a home plan 11:46 21.6 MB
Creating a security and access plan 7:11 13.3 MB
18. Network Diagrams
Creating a network diagram 5:09 8.7 MB
Creating detailed network diagrams 5:58 11.1 MB
Creating a rack diagram 6:35 12 MB
19. Schedules
Creating a calendar 7:57 13.3 MB
Creating a Gantt chart 14:29 26.2 MB
Creating a PERT Chart 8:00 14.4 MB
Creating a timeline 9:41 17.6 MB
20. Software and Database Diagrams
Creating a database model diagram 9:05 15.8 MB
Creating a data flow model diagram 5:31 10.4 MB

21. Integrating Visio with Other Programs

Linking and embedding MS Office documents in diagrams 5:26 10.4 MB
Delivering a slide show in Visio 4:14 7.7 MB
Exporting shapes and diagrams 5:28 9.9 MB
22. Customizing Visio
Configuring Visio options 10:16 10.8 MB
Configuring AutoCorrect options 6:51 9.5 MB
Goodbye 0:31 0.6 MB

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