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Monday, February 2, 2009

Exchange 2003 Design Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization – Exam-Pack: 70-285

Trainer: Michael J. Shannon (Trainer Comments)
Running Time: 8 Hours

Exchange 2003 info from Microsoft. []

Exchange 2003 Design was created for those that are serious about knowing how to utilize Exchange 2003 to its fullest extent. While Exchange 2003 Administration gives you the basics of how to handle the day-to-day management of Exchange Server, this training delves deep into infrastructure requirements, security strategies and connectivity issues.

You'll learn how to plan around an administrative model, interact with other messaging systems, determine server hardware requirements, develop a data storage solution and how to protect your Exchange solution from internal and external threats and attacks. From back-up and recovery and to routing topologies and protocol, instructor Michael Shannon has produced a great series to help you achieve enhanced performance and reliability with Exchange 2003.

Michael is extremely qualified to teach Exchange Design, having written a book on the subject. He takes great pride in providing training that is easy to follow for the beginner as well as in-depth enough to maintain the interest of an experienced It professional. You can watch a video and immediately put the knowledge to use on the job.

The training for Exchange 2003 Design covers the topics and objectives of exam 70-285, an elective of the MCSE: Messaging 2003 certification track. These videos also make perfect reference material for anyone working with Exchange 2003.

There are 17 videos providing more than 8 hours of instruction. A basic understanding of Exchange Server 2003 Administration, such as the material covered in Exam-Pack 70-284 is recommended before viewing this training.

CD-Rom Contents: Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization

- Exchange 2003 Design Considerations
- The Exchange Server 2003 Administrative Model
- Integrating with Active Directory
- Designing with Other Messaging Systems
- Upgrading from previous Exchange versions
- Designating and Designing Exchange 2003 Servers
- Achieving a fault-tolerant DNS solution
- Forming a Public Folder Infrastructure
- Devising a Strategy for Data Storage
- Achieving Fault Tolerance and Enhanced Performance
- Designing a Backup and Recovery Solution
- Planning the Exchange 2003 Routing Group Topology
- Exchange 2003 Virtual Protocol Server Strategies
- Client strategies for Exchange Server 2003
- Protecting the Organization from Internal Attacks
- Protecting the Exchange Environment from External Threats
- Designing an Authentication and Encryption Methodology

Download Link:





Exchange 2003 Administration Exam Pack 70-284

Trainer: Michael J. Shannon (Trainer Comments)
Running Time: 10 Hours

Exam information from Microsoft []

E-mail is an important communications tool and is now nearly as indispensable as the telephone for individuals and organizations of all sizes.

The training for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 covers the topics and objectives of exam 70-284, which is an elective to the MCSA and MCSE 2003 certification tracks. Michael Shannon is the instructor for the series and goes over upgrading from Exchange 2000 as well as Exchange 5.5 to the 2003 version.

Learn about internet mail protocols, Store and Storage Groups, performance monitoring and how to administer groups and objects. You will be guided through diagnosis and resolution of the most common issues, including recovery of deleted material as well as back-up and restore procedures.

The videos are also perfect as reference material and on-the-job training as they cover issues related to management, configuration and security. Planning for growth, configuring instant messaging options and allocating resources for high-volume message traffic are all discussed and explained using a combination of diagrams, demonstrations and real-world examples.

There are 20 videos providing more than 10 hours of instruction. A basic understanding of Windows Server 2003, such as the material covered in Exam-Packs 70-290 and 70-291, is recommended before viewing this training.

CD-Rom Contents: Exchange 2003 Administration

- Introduction to Exchange 2003
- Installing Exchange Server 2003
- Upgrading from Exchange 2000 to Exchange 2003
- Configuring Exchange Server 2003 for Proactive Management
- Exchange Server 2003 Security Part 1
- Exchange Server 2003 Security Part 2
- Exchange Recipient Management
- Exchange 2003 Address Lists
- Public Folder Administration
- Connecting to Outlook 2003 and Outlook Express Clients
- Implementing a Front-End and Back-End Server Topology
- Managing Client Access with Internet Protocols (Part 1: Configuring Virtual Servers)
- Managing Client Access with Internet Protocols (Part 2: SMTP Management)
- Exchange 2003 Routing Management
- Managing Mobility Components
- Data Storage Management
- Backing Up Exchange 2003
- Recovering, Restoring, and Troubleshooting
- Performing Exchange 2003 Maintenance
- Migrating and Coexisting with Exchange 5.5

Download Link:





Exam-Pack 70-350: ISA Server 2004 Implementing Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004

Trainer: Jeremy Cioara (Trainer Comments)
Running Time: 10 Hours

Exam 70-350 information from Microsoft []

The Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server is truly a versatile and important component in any network. With the improvements ISA Server 2004 has over previous versions, trainer Jeremy Cioara explains that, among other benefits, "the firewall is light years ahead of any firewall that only handles port forwarding."

The modifications Microsoft has made to ISA Server since the 2000 version have changed almost everything. Some of the biggest improvements include:

  • deep-packet inspection of application-layer data,
  • multiple-network support,
  • unique network policies for each interface of the ISA Server 2004 firewall and
  • additional VPN security including the VPN Quarantine functionality, which allows you to isolate non-compliant VPN clients.
  • Plus, there have been huge improvements to the management interface and monitoring functions.

Our ISA Server 2004 videos map to Microsoft Exam 70-350, which gives you elective credit towards both the MCSE and MCSA 2003 certifications, plus the :Security specialization. In addition to covering the exam objectives, this series gives you on-the-job skills for deploying ISA Server 2004 on your network from start-to-finish.

The series also teaches you how to configure the ISA Server firewall to inspect packets down to the application-layer data and filter out hard-to-catch instant messaging and peer-to-peer file sharing applications. It even gives you a side-by-side comparison of ISA Server 2004 to competitors such as Cisco PIX and Checkpoint, so you can determine which firewall will best meet the needs of your network.

Thinking about deploying ISA Server 2004? This training will give you the skills and knowledge you need.

A basic understanding of Windows 2003 networking and e-mail services such as the MCSA 2003 certification and Exchange 2003 Administration training or equivalent knowledge is recommended before viewing these videos.

Exam-Pack 70-350: ISA Server 2004 Contains:

- Microsoft's Firewall Evolution: The Road to ISA Server 2004
- ISA Server 2004 Features
- The Ring Fight: ISA Server vs. The Competition
- ISA Server 2004 Design and Installation
- ISA Server is Installed... Now What?
- Selecting the ISA Client Types
- Building the ISA Network Infrastructure
- Configuring Networks and Filling Your Firewall Toolbox
- ISA Server 2004 As a Firewall, Part 1
- ISA Server 2004 As a Firewall, Part 2
- ISA Server Publishing, Part 1
- ISA Server Publishing, Part 2
- Configuring ISA Server for VPNs
- ISA Server's Caching Capabilities
- Monitoring ISA Server
- Introducing ISA Server 2004... Enterprise Edition

Download Link:






MCSE 2003: Exam-Pack 70-299 Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network

Trainer: Todd Logan (Trainer Comments)
Running Time: 9 Hours

MCSE 2003 info from Microsoft. []

Network security issues are now more important than ever and are a key component of Windows Server 2003. This series covers implementing, managing, maintaining, and troubleshooting security in a Windows Server 2003 network infrastructure.

Todd Logan goes over security audits, certification authorities and file encryption while providing helpful hints and real world examples of how to ensure your network's security. The training maps to Microsoft exam 70-299 and is a core exam of the MCSA: Security 2003 and MCSE: Security 2003 certifications. It also can be used as an elective exam for the MCSA 2003 and MCSE 2003 tracks

There are 18 videos providing more than 9 hours of instruction. A basic understanding of Windows Server 2003, such as the material covered in Exam-Packs 70-290 and 70-291, is recommended before viewing this training.

70-299 CD-Rom Contents:

- Introduction to Exam Pack 70-299
- Configure Security Templates
- Deploy and troubleshoot Security Templates
- Auditing for Security
- Configure Security Based on Computer Roles
- Hot Fix and Service Pack Patch Management
- Configure and Manage Software Update Services
- Public Key Infrastructure
- Configure and Manage a Certification Authority
- Manage client and Server Certificates
- Manage and Troubleshoot Encrypting File System (EFS)
- Introduction to IPSec Policies
- Deploy and Manage IPSec Policies
- Configure SSL for Secure Communication Channels
- Plan and Configure Authentication
- Configure Authentication for Secure Remote Access
- Wireless Network Security
- Plan a Group Structure for Security

Download Link:





MCSE 2003: Exam-Pack 70-298 Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network

Trainer: James I. Conrad (Trainer Comments)
Running Time: 9 Hours

Exam information from Microsoft []

Network security issues are now more important than ever and are a key component of Windows Server 2003. This series covers designing security for a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 network.

James Conrad covers creating conceptual designs and security templates while providing helpful hints and real world examples of how to ensure your network's security. The training maps to Microsoft exam 70-298 and is a core exam of the MCSA: Security 2003 and MCSE: Security 2003 certifications. It also can be used as an elective exam for the MCSA 2003 and MCSE 2003 tracks

There are 17 videos providing more than 9 hours of instruction. A basic understanding of Windows Server 2003, such as the material covered in Exam-Packs 70-290 and 70-291, is recommended before viewing this training.

Exam-Pack 70-298 Contents:

- Series Intro
- Creating the Conceptual Design
- PKI Part 1
- PKI Part 2
- Segmented Networks and Border Control with DNS
- Securing Data: EFS
- Securing Data: IPSec
- Access Control
- Security Configuration and Analysis
- Auditing
- Authentication
- Updates
- Trusts (Forest, Domain)
- Wireless Security
- Securing IIS
- Network Management

Download Link:






Exam-Pack 70-620: Microsoft Windows Vista, Configuring MCTS Exam 70-620 on Installing, Configuring, and Managing Windows Vista Desktop Computers

70-620 (just the wmv’s there is no menu system)

Trainer: James I. Conrad (Trainer Comments)
Running Time: 15 Hours

Exam information from Microsoft []

"I hated Vista until I went through James' training, now I look at it with a new set of eyes." - CBT Nuggets CEO and Founder Dan Charbonneau

This training allows Vista to become the great OS for you that it can be. Vista has tremendous potential, but unfortunately, the learning curve has been a little too steep for users to pickup on their own. Now you can learn to configure Windows Vista computers for maximum performance -- and at the same time prepare for certification as a Technology Specialist on Microsoft Windows Vista.

Here's what you'll learn in each of the Configuring Windows Vista videos:

Video 1 - "Configuring Windows Vista Series Introduction" - This first nugget introduces you to Exam-Pack 70-620: Microsoft Windows Vista, Configuring. You'll learn about exam requirements, how this series is structured, and what you can hope to get out of the training.

Video 2 - "Installation: Hardware Requirements, Editions" - If you want Windows Vista to run as expected, your hardware has to be up to snuff. First this nugget covers two types of Vista hardware -- hardware to work okay and hardware to work blazing fast. Then you'll learn about all the different Vista editions, including the features you'll find in each. This includes all the features and functionalities in Windows Vista Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate.

Video 3 - "Windows Vista Installation and Clean Install" - Here's how you install Windows Vista on a new computer that's never had a Windows OS installed on it before. First you'll learn a few key terms to know during the installation process. Then you'll learn the different methods you can use to install Windows Vista. After that you'll learn about Windows Product Activation (WPA) so you can work within your licensing and stay legal. And finally you'll walk through an actual clean install of Windows Vista, which lays the foundation for the other types of installations you'll learn about next.

Video 4 - "Windows Vista Upgrade" - Upgrading to Windows Vista has a few differences from a clean install. When you put the Windows Vista installation DVD into computer running an older version of Windows or another edition of Windows Vista, you'll see the Upgrade Advisor -- this is what you'll use to run through the upgrade. In this video you'll learn how Upgrade Advisor will help you recognize any hurdles to upgrading and then work them out before problems come up. You'll also learn what upgrade paths are available to you. Plus you'll get a first introduction to the Windows Easy Transfer migration tool. Finally, you'll see a simple demonstration of an upgrade to Windows Vista.

Video 5 - "Windows Vista Migration and Windows Easy Transfer" - In this nugget you dive in deeper into Windows Vista migration using Windows Easy Transfer tool plus another tool called the User State Migration Tool 3.0 (USMT). These tools help you migrate user documents and settings into Vista from previous versions of Windows. USMT doesn't really show up on the 70-620 exam, but it will be very helpful as you deploy Windows Vista in a corporate or enterprise environment.

Video 6 - "Anytime Upgrade, Troubleshooting Installation" - This nugget explains in detail how Anytime Upgrade makes it easy to move from one edition of Vista to another, without losing any important settings or information. Plus you'll learn some of the best techniques for troubleshooting Windows Vista installation issues. Finally this nugget covers application compatibility -- so you don't hit a brick wall when you have Windows Vista up and running just fine but you can't seem to get your favorite application to run.

Video 7 - "Install and Configure Drivers" - Drivers are the key to getting Vista to "speak" with the hardware it is running on. In this nugget you learn how to install and configure drivers in Windows Vista. This includes knowing about Driver Signatures, Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL), Windows Software Engineering (WSE), and Driver Verifier. Plus you'll learn how to troubleshoot when things go wrong using Roll Back, Uninstall Driver, and Last Known Good.

Video 8 - "Troubleshooting Post-Installation Configuration Issues, Windows Aero" - Okay -- Vista is installed. Now what? This nugget takes you through configurations and system settings you'll want to implement post-installation to get Vista to run well. This includes advanced options and selections in Device Manager. Also, you'll learn how problem reports help you track down and solve problems coming from the processes and applications running on your system. Finally, you'll discover how customizing display properties can drastically effect system performance -- including using, not using, or limiting the front-end Windows Aero interface.

Video 9 - "Configuring Internet Explorer, Configure and Troubleshoot Parental Controls" - This nugget is all about connecting to the Internet with Windows Vista using Microsoft Internet Explorer. This includes configuring and troubleshooting parental controls to control internet access. Also, you'll learn how to use Content Advisor to configure what types of websites users of the computer can access. Plus you'll learn how to use RSS feeds and why they're useful, using search within Windows and within your browser, and finally about the improved Internet printing experience in Windows Vista.

Video 10 - "Security: Configure and Troubleshoot User Account Control" - This first nugget on security in Windows Vista walks you through how to configure and troubleshoot User Account Control. Understand the core concepts surrounding user accounts including permissions for different types and groups of accounts. Plus learn what to behavior you can expect from User Account Control. Also you'll walk through how to setup and manage policies including group and local policies. Finally, this nugget covers what the "Secure Desktop" is, how it effects users, and how it can help IT professionals.

Video 11 - "Security: Windows Defender" - Windows Defender is a cool tool integrated with Windows Vista to help you control Adware, Spyware, Malware, and Viruses. This second security nugget goes through how these are defined on the Microsoft exam, plus shows you how you can setup Windows Defender to protect your Vista computer automatically.

Video 12 - "Dynamic Security for IE7" - Internet Explorer continues to give you more options for locking down security. This nugget details how to use these features, including Protected Mode, the Phishing Filter, the Pop-up blocker, Security Zones that help you control what can be downloaded and run on your computer, Privacy settings including cookie handling, how to identify Secure Websites in IE7, and finally controlling Add-ons that sometimes improve user experience but also pose a security risk.

Video 13 - "Security: Configure Security Settings in Windows Firewall" - This last security-focused nugget walks you through how Windows Firewall has advanced in Vista. It starts by going through essential terms -- like TCP/IP, Port, Network Interface, Inbound and Outbound Traffic, IPSec, Bidirectional, Stateful, Home, Work, Public, Private, and Domain -- you need to know before you configure the firewall, then dives into the new features, explains Network Location Awareness (NLA) profiles, shows you the different interfaces for configuring Windows Firewall, and concludes by demonstrating a configuration of the firewall.

Video 14 - "Configuring Networking by Using the Network and Sharing Center" - Now that you have security in line it's time to connect to the network. This nugget starts with understanding IP Addressing and Network Services. Then it moves into common network types you'll see and how Vista fits within each. Also, you'll see how easy it has become to connect to networks using the Network and Sharing Center inside Vista, including both wired and wireless networks. Next you'll learn about Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), and finally about various network connection properties. And along the way DNS Name Resolution, Network Address Translation (NAT), and Troubleshooting Connectivity are covered as well.

Video 15 - "Sharing Resources and Securing Wireless Access Points" - This nugget goes deeper into two important networking topics -- resource sharing and wireless security. First you'll learn how using the Network and Sharing Center makes it easy than ever to share files, folders, and printers. And then you'll learn about Wireless Security including changing your SSID and disabling broadcasting, using WEP and WPA wireless security, and filtering by MAC address.

Video 16 - "Remote Access: Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop" - Remote access in Vista is split into two core uses -- remote assistance for supporting others, and remote desktop for using all your computer's files and resources from another location. This nugget covers how to configure remote access in Vista including both remote desktop and remote assistance. This will be a key point of confusion on the 70-620 exam and instructor James Conrad contacted an insider at Microsoft to clarify that the content in this nugget maps exactly to the remote access topics you will see on the exam -- this is not the remote access you're already familiar with!

Video 17 - "Network Troubleshooting" - This is the last nugget that focuses heavily on networking -- in it you'll learn how to troubleshoot network connectivity in Vista. First you'll learn a series of steps you can go through that will identify and allow you to fix most network connectivity issues. Then you'll learn about the tools you'll be using -- IPCONFIG, PING, TRACERT, PATHPING, and Automating Private IP Addressing (APIPA).

Video 18 - "Configure Windows Mail" - Windows Mail replaces Outlook Express as the native Email and Newsgroup client in Windows Vista. In this nugget you'll first review mail protocols including SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4. Then you'll dive in and configure Windows Mail and work with mail messages you send and receive through Windows Mail. Finally, you'll also look at how to configure newsgroups and work with newsgroup messages.

Video 19 - "Configure Windows Calendar, Meeting Space" - This nugget covers another set of applications included with Windows Vista -- Windows Calendar and Meeting Space. The nugget starts with an explanation of how to go in and edit or add more details to the contacts stored on your computer. Then you'll learn how to use Windows Calendar to schedule and share events and appointments, and Windows Meeting Space to share your desktop, applications, and more over the internet or an ad-hoc wireless network.

Video 20 - "Configure Windows Sidebar, Media Applications" - This nugget covers a few more applications you'll see included with Windows Vista -- Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center, Windows Fax and Scan, and the Windows Sidebar. You'll learn how to configure each of these applications, plus you'll get demos of some cool features you'll want to play around with to discover in more depth.

Video 21 - "Optimizing Windows Vista" - Vista has tons of cool features -- which can be hard on your system resources if not configured to work with what's available. It also comes with some cool tools that help with this. Learn how to optimize your Vista system, including using the new ReadyBoost technology, managing Startup Programs, enabling or disabling Visual Effects, and Indexing to improve performance. Also, you'll learn about Power Plans, doing Disk Cleanup, and defragmenting with Diskeeper.

Video 22 - "Reliability Tools" - Making sure your computer runs reliably is a big topic. This nugget doesn't fall short. You'll learn about troubleshooting with Problem Reports and Solutions, plus using Problem History to track problem trends. You'll learn how to cleanup Internet Explorer including deleting browsing history. You'll learn how hardware can limit performance and how to discover if that is happening on your system. And how the dramatically improved Event Viewer helps make troubleshooting easier. And how the Reliability and Performance Monitor gives you an inside look into current and past performance of your computer. Plus how to diagnose the overall system health. And for the final two topics this nugget covers the Task Manager and where to find comprehensive System Information.

Video 23 - "Data Protection and Windows Update" - This nugget covers two best practices for making sure your data is always safe and your computer stays secure. First you'll learn about Data Protection, specifically how to back up and restore data using tools in Vista -- including taking a snapshot of your System State for easy recognition, finding and using previous versions of files, and how to do complete PC backups easily. Then, you learn about configuring Windows Update to make sure you get all the latest patches and improvements as Microsoft releases them.

Video 24 - "Mobile Computing" - This final nugget covers unique features and functionality of Vista for use with notebooks and other mobile computers. First you'll learn how to configure external displays. Then you'll learn how to configure and use Network Projectors, Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC), Sync Center, Offline Files SideShow, Tablet PCs, and finally the nugget concludes with a discussion of the three Power States available in Windows Vista.

On the job Windows Vista skills plus exam prep for Technology Specialist exam

Exam-Pack 70-620: Microsoft Windows Vista, Configuring gives you the skills you need to configure Microsoft Windows Vista desktop computers to run at peak performance. In addition to the real-world skills you learn, the series also maps to exam objectives for Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) exam 70-620, which certifies that you have the skills to configure Windows Vista Desktop computers in an enterprise environment.

Exam-Pack 70-620: Microsoft Windows Vista, Configuring contains:

- Configuring Windows Vista Series Introduction (free video!)
- Installation: Hardware Requirements, Editions
- Windows Vista Installation and Clean Install
- Windows Vista Upgrade
- Windows Vista Migration and Windows Easy Transfer
- Anytime Upgrade, Troubleshooting Installation
- Install and Configure Drivers
- Troubleshooting Post-Installation Configuration Issues, Windows Aero
- Configuring Internet Explorer, Configure and Troubleshoot Parental Controls (free video!)
- Security: Configure and Troubleshoot User Account Control
- Security: Windows Defender
- Dynamic Security for IE7
- Security: Configure Security Settings in Windows Firewall
- Configuring Networking by Using the Network and Sharing Center
- Sharing Resources and Securing Wireless Access Points
- Remote Access: Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop
- Network Troubleshooting
- Configure Windows Mail
- Configure Windows Calendar, Meeting Space
- Configure Windows Sidebar, Media Applications
- Optimizing Windows Vista
- Reliability Tools
- Data Protection and Windows Update
- Mobile Computing

Download Link:

70-620 (just the wmv’s there is no menu system)








MCSE 2003: Exam-Pack 70-294 Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure

Trainer: James I. Conrad (Trainer Comments)
Running Time: 9 Hours

MCSE 2003 info from Microsoft. []

Active Directory is one of the most compelling features of Windows Server 2003 and this training teaches you how to install, configure and manage an Active Directory infrastructure. You'll learn how to plan and implement user and group security and policies, troubleshooting and replication.

Instructor James Conrad is one of the leading experts on Server 2003 and provides numerous tips, tricks and real-world examples to help you learn the technology as well as put it to use. James delivers the material with a quick-wit and easy going style that makes it easy to comprehend complex topics.

There are 17 videos providing more than 9 hours of instruction. A basic understanding of computers and networking, such as the A+/Network+ Combo Pack, as well as the material covered in Exam-Packs 70-290 and 70-291 is recommended before viewing this training.

Exam Pack 70-294 Contents:

- Series Intro
- Active Directory Introduction
- Installing Active Directory
- Functional Levels
- The Schema
- User Principal Names and Trusts
- The Global Catalog and Universal Group Caching
- Operations Master Roles
- Replication
- Sites
- Active Directory Tools
- User Authentication
- Security Groups
- Organizational Units
- Group Policy Part 1
- Group Policy Part 2
- Group Policy Part 3

Download Link:





MCSE 2003: Exam-Pack 70-293 Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure

Trainer: James I. Conrad (Trainer Comments)
Running Time: 13 Hours

MCSE 2003 info from Microsoft []

This training focuses on how to design and plan for a Windows Server 2003 network infrastructure. You'll learn about a variety of networking topics as well as numerous options available from Microsoft such as Terminal Services and Software Update Services. Security features in Server 2003 have been significantly upgraded from Server 2000 and this training covers security templates, remote authentication, private keys, smart cards, wireless security and the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer.

Instructor James Conrad is one of the leading experts on Server 2003 and provides numerous tips, tricks and real-world examples to help you learn the technology as well as put it to use. James delivers the material with a quick-wit and easy going style that makes it easy to comprehend complex topics.

There are 27 videos providing more than 13 hours of instruction. A basic understanding of computers and networking, such as the A+/Network+ Combo Pack, as well as the material covered in Exam-Packs 70-290 and 70-291 is recommended before viewing this training.

Exam Pack 70-293 Contents:

- Series Intro
- Operating Systems and Server Roles
- Security Settings
- Security Settings and GPO
- Security Templates
- Network Planning and Design
- TCP/IP Planning: Addresses and Subnetting
- IP Configuration
- Internet Connectivity
- Routing: Static, RIP, and OSPF
- Remote Access Authentication & Policies
- DNS Part 1
- DNS Part 2
- Private Key Infrastructure Part 1
- Private Key Infrastructure Part 2
- Enrollment
- Smart Cards
- Wireless Security Part 1
- Wireless Security Part 2
- IPSec Part 1
- IPSec Part 2
- Performance, Network Load-Balancing, Clustering Part 1
- Network Load-Balancing, Clustering Part 2
- Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer, Software Update Services
- Remote Assistance and Terminal Services
- System Recovery

Download Link:






MCSE 2003: Exam-Pack 70-291 Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure

Trainer: James I. Conrad (Trainer Comments)
Running Time: 12 Hours

MCSE 2003 info from Microsoft []

This training focuses on network infrastructure management for Windows Server 2003 covering topics such as implementing, managing, and maintaining IP addressing, name resolution, network security measures, routing and remote access, and monitoring and troubleshooting network infrastructure.

James Conrad provides in-depth instruction along with a quick moving and witty style to make the training fun as well as educational. You won't fall asleep with these videos. James is one of the leading experts on Server 2003 and you'll appreciate his knowledge and insight with the product along with his helpful tips and tricks to get the most out of your network's performance.

There are 25 videos providing more than 12 hours of instruction. A basic understanding of computers and networking, such as the A+/Network+ Combo Pack, as well as the material covered in Exam-Pack 70-290 is recommended before viewing this training.

70-291 CD Rom Contents:
- Series Intro
- IP Addressing
- Custom Subnetting
- TCP/IP Configuration
- IP Tools
- DHCP Configuration
- DHCP Management
- DNS Part 1
- DNS Part 2
- DNS Part 3
- DNS Part 4
- Security Templates Part 1
- Security Templates Part 2
- Security Part 1
- Security Part 2
- IPSec Part 1
- IPSec Part 2
- Kerberos
- RRAS Part 1
- RRAS Part 2
- RRAS Part 3
- RRAS Part 4
- RRAS Part 5
- Internet Access
- Server Services

Download Link:







MCSE 2003: Exam-Pack 70-290 Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment

Trainer: James I. Conrad (Trainer Comments)
Running Time: 13 Hours

MCSE 2003 info from Microsoft []

If you want to learn about Microsoft Windows Server 2003, this is the training you need. Whether you are looking to begin an MCSE 2003 certification track or are just interested in getting familiar with Server 2003, you'll find these videos an invaluable resource.

The training starts with the basics and covers everything you need to know for managing and maintaining Server 2003. You'll learn how to manage and troubleshoot User Accounts, back-up and system recovery procedures, remote management and assistance tools and the benefits of Terminal Services.

James Conrad is the instructor for this series and you won't find anyone more qualified to teach Server 2003. He is great at explaining the concepts in such a way that both beginners and IT pros find helpful. The videos map to Microsoft Exam 70-290 as a core requirement of the MCSE 2003 certification.

There are 25 videos providing more than 13 hours of instruction. A basic understanding of computers and networking such as the A+ and Network+ certification or equivalent knowledge is the prerequisite for this training.

NOTE: The 70-290 Exam has been updated to cover new information on WSUS, replacing the SUS content.

This training has not yet been updated to cover WSUS. This training still maps to all other exam objectives and will help you greatly as you prepare for the 70-290 exam.

For information on updates and future product releases, please see our Videos in Development page.

CD-ROM Contents: Exam Pack 70-290

- Series Intro
- Introducing Windows Server 2003
- Managing Basic and Dynamic Disks
- RAID, Utilities, Quotas
- Managing Server Hardware
- Managing and Troubleshooting User Accounts
- Automating User Account Management
- Managing User Profiles
- Managing User Account Logon
- Managing Computer Accounts
- Managing Groups
- Managing Resource Access: Share Permissions
- Managing Resource Access: NTFS Permissions
- Managing Printers
- IIS Part 1
- IIS Part 2
- Administration and RDP
- Remote Desktop/Assistance
- Terminal Services Part 1
- Terminal Services Part 2
- Event Viewer and Task Manager
- Performance Monitoring and Analysis
- SUS and Software Site Licensing
- Shadow Copy and Backup
- Restoring Data and Recovery Tools

Download Link:




